Welcome to the March 2012 edition of the Management Journey Carnival! Topics for this month?s Management Journey Blog Carnival include communication,?marketing, employee engagement, product development, innovation, ethics, workplace diversity, talent management, conflict resolution, social networks, and other related topics. This carnival presents 21 top posts from thought leaders around the web.?Let?s get started!
An Oldie But Goodie
Every manager has customers whether they are internal or external. Someone receives her unit?s products or services. This month?s classic post comes from Ronald Brown of Mashable and it describes a creative approach for product development. In this infographic post, Product Development: 9 Steps for Creative Problem Solving, Ronald shows the power of seeing patterns and connecting dots.
Featured Podcast
Featured Podcast
Conflict is inevitable in organizations, and it is often a destructive force in many companies. It does not have to be, however. Like most other activities, it is how leaders manage conflict that makes the difference. This month?s featured podcast, 6 Ways to Make Conflict Productive, comes from the Center for Creative Leadership. It provides useful strategies for effective conflict resolution.
Featured Articles
Today, managers need to be able to lead change and innovation efforts. The challenge for many managers, particularly middle managers, is the fact that they do not have the authority to make these efforts happen. In his post, How to Innovate When You?re Not the Big Boss, John Beeson of Big Think shows how every manager?regardless of their organizational title and decision making authority?can become an innovator.
A powerful strategy for encouraging innovation in your team is to make it part of your interview process. In her post, How to Spot Innovative Hires, Geil Browning of Inc provides some tips for honing in on candidates who naturally think differently and deciding how they can meet your departmental needs.
The job market is improving.? An improving job market can be challenging news for management teams and human resources departments with employee engagement issues, however. Employees who have been waiting for the right time to exit the organization will have more options. In his post, 3 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement Right Now, Michael Charney of Charney Coaching & Consulting gives practical strategies to right the ship.
Email: you cannot live with it and you cannot live without it! Some companies are taking drastic measures to deal with this productivity drain?including getting rid of internal email altogether. In her post, Stop Email Overload, Amy Gallo of Harvard Business Review advocates less extreme containment measures worthy of consideration.
Marketing increasingly requires the production of content. Businesses of all sizes are becoming mini-publishers through their blogs, e-books, articles, special reports, etc. In his post, 7 Stages of the Content Hourglass, John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing shows how to develop content that meets the strategic marketing needs of your business.
Over half of all adults in the US visit social networking sites at least once a month. Despite these numbers, many organizations are still struggling to create value from social networks within their business enterprises. In her post, Report: Making The Business Case For Enterprise Social Networks, Charlene Li of Altimeter Group highlights four key ways that businesses can create value through enterprise social networks.
OK, it is almost April and some managers? 2012 goals are suffering a bit! Their intentions were right. They just faced a few challenges. In her post, How to Stay On Track for Your Goals, Ali Luke of Pick the Brain provides practical strategies for getting 2012 planning back on course.
There?s a continuing debate in management and leadership circles about the value of managers ignoring their weaknesses and focusing more on their strengths. This strengths-only focus generates some strong pro and con opinions about the value of this approach?and I have a few of my own thoughts. From my blog, Management is a Journey, I offer Ignore Your Weaknesses and Focus on Your Strengths!
Organizational improvement nightmares! You?ve probably seen them. They are communicated from on-high and then pushed through the organization with insufficient analysis and planning. Eventually, they are disbanded after leaving a trail of resentment and dysfunction. Megan McArdle of The Atlantic provides a real-world case study in ?Just Be More Productive!?: The Trouble With Coaching for Success.
Negotiation! Every manager has to negotiate whether they like doing it or not. Some managers naturally excel at this skill while others avoid it like they do a trip to the dentist for a root canal.? In his post, 10 Dirty Negotiation Tactics and How to Beat Them, Barry Moltz of Open Forum provides sound strategies to avoid becoming a victim of a crafty negotiator.
University professors, managers, human resource professionals, and others will be talking about Greg Smith and his resignation letter to Goldman Sachs for years to come. In his post, Fixing the ?Goldman Sachs? Problem, Jeffrey Pfeffer of Business Week raises the question whether the issues raised in Greg?s letter are a symptom of a larger problem afflicting business and management education.
How well do organizations manage the collective wisdom that comes from their human capital? Some have an environment that lets ideas flourish while others just let good ideas wither on the vine. In his post, The Fate of Ideas, Rick Ross of Rick Ross | Business, Technology & Life provides strategies managers can use to nurture ideas into positive outcomes.
Senior management and human resources have an uneasy partnership.? Neither works well without the other and their relationship can often be uneasy. Speaking for human resources, Suzanne Rumsey of Fistful of Talent explains What HR People Hate About CEOs (and Other C-Suite Occupants).
Asking questions is a valuable skill that many managers need to use more as they interact with their staff. They are a great tool for organizational problem solving and for engaging employees. Royale Scuderi of Stepcase Lifehack shows the way in her post, 10 Questions That Will Improve Results in Any Area.
Management lessons are everywhere including in life?s normal activities. We just have to stop and find them. In his post, Ten Lessons Innovators Can Learn from Fishers, Dennis Stauffer of Innovator Mindset? discusses the wisdom that comes from fishing.
Business leaders and managers are under increasing scrutiny for the long term impact and ethical considerations of their decisions. Further, the public continues to evaluate how organizations behave in their interactions with customers and society. In her post, Precautionary Principle: Profiting with Care, Linda Fisher Thornton of Leading in Context provides a strategy for corporations to lead ethically.
Jeremy Lin of the New Your Knicks has taken the nation by storm as we fall into linsanity over his ?unexpected? success. What talent management lessons can business professionals take from Jeremy?s story? Skip Weisman of Workplace Communication Expert provides several in his post, What Business Leaders Can Learn from the Decision to Put Jeremy Lin in the Lineup.
Featured Video
Featured Video
Being direct and social are prized qualities in our culture. Many also believe they are characteristics that effective leaders must possess. This leads to a bias against introverts as most workplaces are built around extroverts and extraverted leadership. Can introverts really lead effectively at higher levels? In defense of introverts and introverted leadership, this month?s featured video comes from TED and it features Susan Cain discussing, The Power of Introverts.
Editor's Pick
Editor?s Pick
The March Editor?s Pick comes from Leigh Steere of the Lead Change Group.? In her thoughtful article, 5 Uncomfortable Observations About Workforce Diversity, Leigh makes a powerful indictment of our human weakness of judging a book by its cover. With thoughtful commentary and two video examples of Susan Boyle and Paul Potts from the popular talent show, Britain?s Got Talent, Leigh shows how quickly we make quick and dismissive judgments of people based on their appearance.
I cannot say it better than Leigh herself so I won?t try. Here?s Leigh in her own words:
Leaders and organizations say they prize diversity. But actions speak louder than words. In reality, I think we respect diversity only after a ?different? person proves him/herself. . . . If you write off people based on first impressions, you risk missing out on some powerful voices that can take your business to the next level.
Leigh?s article speaks powerfully at many levels!
This concludes the March 2012 edition of the Management Journey Carnival. The next Management Journey Carnival edition will be published on April 16. I look forward to seeing you again at our April Management Journey Blog Carnival. You can submit your article here.
The Management Journey Carnival is published on the third Monday of each month. Each Carnival consists of 21 insightful articles from the web that I select or that contributors submit for inclusion. (Please do not submit anonymous or off-topic submissions as they will not be considered.)
If you enjoyed this management carnival, I?d appreciate your sharing it on Twitter by clicking here. Thanks for supporting the Carnival!
About the Author
Robert Tanner is the founder of the Management is a Journey Blog and Principal Consultant at Business Consulting Solutions LLC. He is a certified change management consultant, management mentor, trainer, and an Adjunct Professor of Management. Robert has a passion for helping managers and leaders fulfill their potential. Connect with Robert on Google+ and Twitter. To join the mailing list, subscribe here.
Source: http://managementisajourney.com/2012/03/march-management-journey-carnival/
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